Balatonfüred, Hungary – August 27, 2023 – Between August 20th and 27th, the Balatonfüredi Yacht Club, in collaboration with the Hungarian J24 Class Association, the Hungarian Sailing Federation, and the International J24 Class Association hosted the J24 European Championship. With 8 nations, 42 boats, and 210 competitors, the event took place over 5 days with 5 valid races out of
the planned 10. Due to challenging wind conditions, no races were possible on the final day, so medals were awarded based on the standings from the fourth day.
Five Races In, Irish, German, and Hungarian Teams Lead the J24 European Championship on Lake Balaton
The 2023 J24 European Championship continued with two more races on Lake Balaton on Saturday, August 26th. After five races, the Irish team is currently in the lead, with Cillian DICKSON at the helm of „Headcase,” maintaining their top position. In second place is Stefan KARSUNKE skippering „Schwere Jungs,” and in third place, the best Hungarian team is represented by SALLAI Gábor on board „iJroncat,” despite incurring a black flag disqualification during today’s race 5. The introduction of the elimination race after the fifth race has slightly shifted the earlier podium standings.
German Team Takes Lead After 3 Races at European Championship, Followed by Hungarian Team in Second Place
German Team Takes Lead After 3 Races at European Championship, Followed by Hungarian Team in Second Place
On the 3rd race day, Friday, August 25, there was an opportunity to hold just one race. With a total of 3 sailed races, the German team ‘Schwere Jungs’ led by Stefan Karsunke maintained their top position from day 1. ‘iJroncat,’ helmed by Gábor Sallai, secured the 2nd position, and ‘Amuse Bouche,’ skippered by Kurt Dammeier from the USA, climbed to 3rd place.
42 teams, 8 nations with 210 competitors, set off for the J24 European Championship
Between August 20th and 27th, 2023, the J24 European Championship is being held in Balatonfüred, Hungary, in collaboration between the Balatonfüredi Yacht Club, the Hungarian J24 Class Association, the Hungarian Sailing Federation, and the International J24 Class Association. Eight nations, 42 boats, and 210 competitors took to the water. Hungary is hosting the continental competition for the third time after 2008 and 2017.
The 5-day, 10-race competition began on Wednesday, August 23, following a two-and-a-half-day registration process and a light-wind practice race. The first day of racing concluded with two valid races and one abandoned race under the November flag. After the two races, the German team „Schwere Jungs,” led by Stefan Karsunke, is in the lead, followed by a Hungarian crew on „iJroncat” skippered by Gábor Sallai in second place, and the Irish team „Headcase” helmed by Cillian Dickinson in third place.
Ranglista díjátadó
A Magyar Vitorlás Szövetség március 4-én a Testnevelési Egyetemen tartotta a 2022. évi ranglista díjátadóját. A World Sailing osztályban a J24-eseket is díjazták. Az ünnepélyes díjátadón mindhárom dobogós képviseltette magát. A ranglista győztes a 2022. évi bajnok csapat a DJango lett, Hercsel Erik kormányzásával. A csapat: Dávid Dani, Dávid Juli, Horváth Marci, Pálinkás Matyi (Zámbó Örs) A második helyen a J’korszak Laurel végzett Farkas Tamás vezényletével. A legénység: Farkas Gabi, Farkas Lili, Lajos László, Szöllőssy Balázs (Kovács Buna Botond) A harmadik helyet a Twenty Big 5 szerezte meg. Fluck Bencével a kormánynál. A csapat: Székely-Gyökössy Szabolcs, Fluck Iza, Kiss Viktória, Kissné Fluck Daniella, Kiss Csaba. Gratulálunk a díjazottaknak!
Hercsel Erik kormányzásával a 2022. évi bajnokcsapat a Django
Az évadzáró MVM Flottabajnokság kétnapos Ranglista verseny egyben a mindössze két futamig jutó J/24-es Országos Bajnokság befejezésére is kiváló alkalomnak bizonyult a J24 mezőny részére. A J24 Országos Bajnokságot meggyőző magabiztossággal és három futamgyőzelemmel Hercsel Erik és csapata, Dávid Dániel, Dávid Júlia, Horváth Márton, Pálinkás Mátyás nyerték a tekintélyes létszámú 19 egységből! A dobogó második fokára Farkas Tamás és csapata, Farkasné Nagy Gabriella, Farkas Lilla, Lajos László Gábor és egyesületünk junior Kalóz versenyzője, Kovács-Buna Botond állhattak fel! A bronz érmet pedig Rauschenberger Miklós és csapata, Varjas Sándor, Munka Márton, Pécsváradi Ákos, Péter Tamás, Richter Tamás szerezték meg!